Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What's new in 2010.03?

The first release of OpenSolaris came out in May 2008 and was released as OpenSolaris 2008.05. The most recent release is OpenSolaris 2009.06 which was released in June 2009. The next release of OpenSolaris is scheduled to come out next month in March 2010. Many improvements were introduced in OpenSolaris 2009.06 which enhanced its usability and features. Some of the interesting new features of OpenSolaris 2009.06 are:

Multimedia With Codeina And Elisa: Codeina is a utility to allow users to install additional media plug-ins. GStreamer-based media applications will auto detect when users try to play a media file for which there is a plug-in available from the on-line Fluendo store, and will step the user through the process of downloading and installing the plug-in. Some plug-ins are free and some are available for a fee. For the first time on OpenSolaris, Elisa, the free and open source media centre is now available, connecting the internet to an all-in-one media player. Watch your photos with previews and nicely animated slide shows. Browse the internet, with everything from Flickr to YouTube and other popular internet services.

Package Manager: The Package Manager has received a number of improvements particularly around start-up performance and the user experience of the application. Package Manager now has a new start-up page, along with improvements to the search functionality that allows search across multiple repositories. Additionally, OpenSolaris 2009.06 brings a new MIME association (.p5i) to allow single click installs while browsing the web, which is quite unique to OpenSolaris.


Greater Windows interoperability with OpenSolaris CIFS: OpenSolaris CIFS (Common Internet File System) service now includes many new features such as host-based access control which allows a CIFS server to restrict access to specific clients by IP address, ACLs (access control lists) on shares, and clientside caching of offline files and synchronization when reconnected. There are many more innovative features that has been introduced into OpenSolaris 2009.06. Visit http://www.opensolaris.com/learn/features/whats-new/200906/ to
learn more on what else in new in OpenSolaris 2009.06. The next version of OpenSolaris will be available in March 2010 and apart from an updated GNOME (GNOME 2.28), it will have many new feature updates in IPS, ZFS and Networking. Check out www.thinkdigit.com/opensolaris for more on OpenSolaris 2010.03.