Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting familiar

Like every other popular operating system, OpenSolaris has a GUI, which is based on GNOME. Thousands of applications, including the most popular open source applications Firefox, OpenOffice and Thunderbird have been ported to OpenSolaris. OpenSolaris is distributed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), which is a
variant of the Mozilla licence used by Firefox. Because many applications, including the GNOME desktop environment, are common with various Linux distributions, you can confuse OpenSolaris to be yet another Linux distribution. However, OpenSolaris is not Linux! There are many unique features available on OpenSolaris that sets it apart from all the other operating systems such as Linux and Windows.

The term OpenSolaris can also have other meanings to depending on the context it is used. OpenSolaris is used to refer to: moz-screenshot

  • An operating system code base that is originally based on Sun's proprietary Solaris operating system.
  • An open source development project.
  • The community of users and developers who contribute to the project OpenSolaris.
  • A free binary distribution.

Throughout this book, we'll be referring to the last meaning in the list, the term OpenSolaris means a free binary distribution of the OpenSolaris software that is available for redistribution under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), unless otherwise stated.